October 16, 2024

asian voices

by Mindy Dong

the effect of language barriers on asian immigrants

When I first moved to the United States, the only words I knew in English were “hello” and “oops.” My parents, on the other hand, were rather proficient in English. It wasn’t the fact that we couldn’t understand English that made navigating this new world difficult, however. Language barriers extend beyond simple knowledge of language. […]

the glass ceiling and how it affects asian americans

What is glass ceiling for Asian Americans? The term glass ceiling refers to the barriers that face Asian American women and men in the workforce. Sometimes, instead of “glass ceiling”, it is called “bamboo ceiling.” This metaphor describes the difficulties that they face with breaking into higher levels of leadership or influence in a company. […]

the asian american experience: model minorites

What is a model minority?  When I was in fourth grade, living in California, I vividly recall the first time I encountered the “model minority” stereotype. I was smiling from ear to ear, ecstatic about the A+ I received on my math exam. I happily told my friend sitting next to me in class the […]