February 23, 2025

Mindy's Blog

Asian Voices

AAPI in Technology

This week, I want to highlight some of the AAPI technology leaders that are the forefront of this rising industry. From Zoom (founded by Eric Yuan) to Nutanix and Instacart, AAPI entrepreneurs are creating innovative solutions and disrupting industries across the board.

In particular, Zoom, which blew up in popularity due to quarantine during the COVID-19 lockdown, has been such an integral part of my life in the recent years. I remember sitting down at my desk for hours at a time on a Zoom call, attending online school. Zoom was the reason I and many others were able to receive an education during these difficult times.

Speaking of the pandemic, the famously effective fabric of the N95 mask was developed by Peter Tsai , a Taiwanese American materials scientist. The N95 was the most recommended mask for preventing infection of COVID-19. These AAPI leaders’ innovation, among many others, helped so many individuals during the pandemic and challenging the way we work, live, and communicate.

However, I also think that it is vitally important to mention the challenges that AAPI entrepreneurs face despite their success. They often struggle with access to venture capital, and cultural barriers like the “model minority” stereotype can create added pressure. It’s important to consider representation in tech.

Representation Matters

Representation in tech is critical—not just for visibility, but to inspire the next generation of AAPI innovators. As more AAPI entrepreneurs rise to the top, they pave the way for young people to follow their lead, encouraging diversity and inclusion in the startup world.

Moreover, we need to prevent ignorant assumptions from influencing our judgement of other people. Understanding our own personal biases is vital to doing so.

The future is bright for AAPI entrepreneurs in tech. Innovation and diversity are the future of the tech industry, and AAPI entrepreneurs are leading the charge!

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